Breaking Up With Your Parents Vs. Walking Away
So, I was in a very emotional state this past weekend. My brother was chosen to be the youth speaker for my church's Men's Day prayer breakfast. I was so excited to hear that he was chosen I made up in my mind that I definitely wanted to be there. A few days later that week, Saturday, we had all met up at the biggest theater in my hometown, Showplace 12, to see the final installment of the Jurassic Park series. Maybe it's not the final installment, but let's just assume for the time being that it is. After the movie was over, I drove back home to my apartment and went to bed. I was dead beat tired. I woke up the next morning two hours before nine 'o clock and went through my normal routine of making breakfast and turning on the news, etc, etc. Then, a little after nine' o clock I got a text from my mother: Are you going to see your brother speak? I immediately jumped off of my sofa and ran to my room to get ready. Yes. What time is it at? I had completely ...