Dogs Vs. Cats: The Pros and Cons
We've all heard that men are dogs, and women are bitches (female dogs). Women have also been compared to cats. You all know cats. They are cold and mean and won't let you pet and cuddle with them like dogs. If they really hate you, they will scratch and bite you. But I am here to break the common stereotypes of men and women. Despite the cuteness and playfulness of dogs, they can also be mean and aggressive and they can have multiple sex partners. For cats, they can be sweet and cuddly, once they realize you are not a threat. I'm about to give you the pros and cons of cats and dogs when it comes to men and women, but first a story: Once upon a time, I had a boyfriend. This boyfriend was my very first real, intimate relationship. We would spend time together when we could and honestly we were the perfect combination of cat and dog. He would get excited whenever we made plans to see one another and would stare into my eyes with a smile on his face and he would give me ...